AP Teacher Transfers 2022 Rules, Guidelines, Schedule AP Teacher Transfers Rules, Guidelines 2022 Rules for Counseling of Transfers Rules Governing AP Teacher Transfers 2022, Teachers Online Application Form, Teacher Transfers Online Application Form, Higher Teacher Transfers General Notes Primary and High Schools and Teacher Transfer Counseling & HMs 2022, AP Teacher Transfers Rules 2022, Principals Gr.II Gazetted/ Guidelines for Govt Teachers / ZPP / MPP Schools AP Teacher Transfers 2022

Guidelines for Transfer of Principals:
(Gr.II)/Teachers working in Government, Zilla Praja Parishad and Mandal Praja Parishad schools during the academic year 2022-23
1. These guidelines apply to Headmasters (Gr.II) in Andhra Pradesh School Education Service and School Assistants / Secondary Grade Teachers in Andhra Pradesh School Education Subordinate Service and other equivalent categories, after being referred to as Teacher in these guidelines. These guidelines will come into effect with immediate effect.
2. Criteria for transfers
i. Transfers are executed on a request basis and on an administrative basis only.
ii. The following Principals (Gr.II)/Teachers in Govt/ZPP/MPP will be transferred.
a) Principals (Gr-II) who have completed 5 academic years of service by the academic year 2021-2022 and teachers who have completed 8 academic years of service in a particular school must be transferred (more than half of the academic year shall be considered as a full year for this purpose and less than half shall not be considered ).
b) But those retiring on or before 31.08.2024 (within 2 years) shall not be transferred unless they request for such transfer.
c) There is no minimum service requirement for applying transfer request.
a. Male Headmaster (Gr.II)/ Teacher below 50 years of age as on 31.08.2022 and working in Girls High School must be transferred. B. If female Headmasters (Gr.II) / Teachers are not available to work in Girls’ High Schools, male Headmasters (Gr.II) / teachers above 50 years of age as on 31.08.2022 will be considered for posting to such schools. .
iv. Following are the criteria for recognition of teachers transferred on redeployment:
a. If any post is vacant in the concerned school, the vacant post should be marked as surplus for reallocation. In this case, no teacher is affected.
B. Any teacher, who has completed 8 academic years of service in a particular school, will be considered for re-allocation (category of posts considered) when a post is identified as surplus and proposed for transfer.
C. If a teacher who has not completed 8 years of education in a particular school is a senior teacher in the school and prefers to go under redistribution, such teacher will be given an opportunity to transfer.
d. In case (a), (b) & (c) are not available, the Junior Most Teacher will be transferred according to the service rendered in the cadre. (05 points) will be awarded to him/her only if redistricting is due to mapping of schools. In such a case, the teacher transferred in transfers in 2020 means that he/she will be considered for old station points.
Note: (1) In such cases, the service of aided teachers will be taken to count the services rendered in the cadre from the date of joining the Government/Local Bodies school. (2) In case of visually challenged/orthopaedically challenged (>80%) teachers, they will be exempted and the next senior most will be affected under redistribution.
v. Teachers working in Government/MPP/ZPP schools under Municipal Corporation/Municipalities, transferred and admitted in Category – III & IV posts are eligible as per Hon’ble AP High Court orders. For old station points.
vi. Promoted teachers must apply for transfers as per CSE Procgs Dt: 14.10.2021 guidelines.
Will. Visually impaired teachers are exempted from transfers. Orthopedically challenged teachers with more than 80% disability are also exempted from transfers. However, if such teachers want to apply for transfer, they can apply for transfer counselling
a. Transfers are effected within the current management where the teacher is working.
B. If the Headmaster (Gr.11)/Teacher wishes to move to his/her parent management, such Headmaster (Gr.11)/Teacher may opt for transfer only to the vacancies available in their parent management. In such cases, their seniority in the parent management is taken into account. C. Transfer is effected from ITDA area to non-ITDA area and vice versa.
d. Subject to fulfillment of the conditions laid down in this GO, non-ITDA Headmaster (Gr.II)/Teachers currently working in schools in ITDA area may also apply for transfers to non-ITDA areas. However, they get relief only after replacing the alternatives. e. If the vacancy of teaching posts in ITDA areas cannot be filled, junior most surplus teacher/s in non-ITDA area will be appointed on ad hoc basis after transfer counselling.
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