Certain Instructions for filling and completion of UDISE 2023 data entry

 Certain Instructions for falling and completion of UDISE 2023 data entry.

UDIE.F. No: 1788485/IT-CSE Dt:19/01/2023

Sub:- School Education- IT, Planning & Statistics – UDISE+ for the year 2022- 23- Certain Instructions for flling and completion of data entry – Orders issued. 


1.D.O. Letter No.23-7/2022-Stats, Dt:30-08-2022.

2.D.O.No.26-1/2022-Stats, Dated: 26-09-2022.

3.Rc.No.ESE02-31021/1853398/IT-CSE Dt:-6.10.2022

 The attention of the Regional Joint Directors, District Educational Officers and Additional Project Coordinators (SS) in the State are invited to the reference 1st and 2nd read above, where in UDISE+ data collection for the year 2022-23 has been started and the existing UDISE+ Data Capture Format has been revised by incorporating student wise tracking system and some additional Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) etc.. Entire State performance will be calculated basing on the UDISE+ data.

2. Unifed District Information System for Education Plus (UDISE+) has a mandate of collecting information from all recognized and unrecognized schools imparting formal education from Pre-primary to XII. Information collected through the digital platform of UDISE+, is utilized for the planning,

optimized resource allocation and implementation of various education related programs and assessments of progress made.

3. UDISE+ collects information through an online Data Collection Form (DCF) on parameters ranging from school, Infrastructure, teachers, enrolments, examination results etc. spread across 4 sections. The Schools which get on boarded successfully on the platform are provided a UDISE+ Code, which acts as a national level unique identifer. UDISE+ has the school as the unit of data collection and district as the unit of data distribution.

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4. Further, it is informed that, the revised Data Capture Format (DCF) for the year 2022-23 has been incorporated with the following four (4) sections,. The section wise description for which the data entry to be done against each section is detailed here under :

a. Section 1: School Profle and Other details : Section 1 consists 5 parts i.e from 1(a) to 1(e) namely (Basic School Profle Location, Management, Medium of Instruction etc), School Safety, PGI and Other Indicators, Receipts and Expenditure, Vocational Education under NSQF at Institutional level ) all details related to the said 5 divisions will be captured in this section.

b. Section 2 consists School Facility : This section captures the data related to the Schools facilities such as Toilets, drinking water, electricity, Classrooms, playground, furniture, lab, libraries and all other physical /digital facilities etc. available in the school.

c. Section 3 consists Teaching and Non Teaching Staf Details : This section captures the information related to teaching Nonteaching/ Administrative and Support staf(s) working in the school along with their details such as Profle details, Qualifcations, appointment details, Trainings etc.. in this section teacher / staf wise data to be flled. d. Section 4 Student Details : Section 4 is the new part incorporated from 2022-23, here it captures General information of the student such as name, class, age, section, category, disability, etc.

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5. In this juncture, it is informed that except Student Details section all the remaining sections, all the remaining section will be preflled with the UDISE+ data which was submitted during the year (2021-22) to the extent of old school’s. Further w.r.t the Schools which were reopened and new schools (not available in 2021-22 ) shall be provided with blank DCF for fresh entry.

6. As student profle is capturing for the frst time in UDISE + portal, this year all the Student Profle Section details shall be provided centrally fro the back end as per the child info data.

7. Therefore, all the Regional Joint Directors, District Educational Officers, and Additional Project Coordinators (SS) in the State are requested to bestow their personal attention and issue necessary instructions to their fled functionaries to complete the data entry by 26-01-2023 positively. ASO/APO/MIS etc. working in both DEO offices and APC offices can be utilized as per their convenience.

8. Detailed user manual for flling the DCF, Roles and responsibilities at each level are annexed to these proceedings. State Level review meeting on verifcation and purifcation of data will be organized on 27-01-2023, respective teams should attend the said meeting with all relevant data. Venue will be informed separately.

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9. These instructions must be followed scrupulously, any deviation in this regard will be viewed very serious.