Downlaod FRS Facial Attendance app for all Departments latest version Jan 22 – 2023

 Cir.Memo No. GAD01- PU 0GAD 27 2022 -PU-B-2, Dated:09 -07-2021

Sub:- GAD – PU – Attendance by Photography (Facial Recognition Based Attendance System)- Implementation in Secretariat Departments, HoDs and District Offices w.e.f. 01-01-2023 – Mobile APP “APFRS” Developed – Downloading the App and Enrolment – Instructions – Reg.


1. G.O. Ms. No. 1 59 G.A( PU-B) Dept., dated : 26-12-2022′

2. Cir. Memo.No.GAD01-PU0G AD/27 / 2OZZ-PU-B dt:27.12.2022.

3. Cir.Memo.No.GAD0l-PU0G AD/27 /2O22-PU-B dt:29.12.2022.

Attention of all Spl.Chief Secretary /Government Secretaries/ Secretaries/ Heads of Departments, District Collectors have been invited to the cited instructions wherein orders have been issued introducing attendance through photography (Facial Recognition Based Attendance System) to all employees of Secretariat Departments, Heads of Departments and Districts. offices w.e.f. 01-01-2023 and remaining offices w.e.f. 16-01-2023. Orders have also been issued regarding the appointment of nodal officers and registration of employees Mobile application named “APFRS” developed by ITE&C Dept’ by APCFSS available at  ‘” and also on the Google Play Store ( https: // ‘

2. All spl.Chief Secretaries/Prl. Government Secretaries, Heads of Departments, Secretaries to District Collectors should ensure that all employees of their respective offices download APFRS Mobile App and register themselves and start marking their attendance through Mobile APP. They will ensure 100 o/o enrollment by the employees and use of mobile app will be reviewed soon by them as top administration at government level to enforce attendance through photography in secretariat departments, HDs and district offices.

Flash...   డిగ్రీ అడ్మిషన్లకు గడువు పెంపు

Download Mobile App latest version  updated on 05.02.2023

Instructions copy

Step by Step User manual