Sukanya Sramrudhi Yojana for girl children in the schools

Memo.No.3/A&I/2022 Dt:07/01/2023 

Sub:- School Education – Request for personal intervention
in popularizing Saving Scheme of “Sukanya Sramrudhi Yojana”
for girl children in the schools run by School Education, A. P,
Amaravati – action taken – Requested – Regarding.

Ref:- Letter from Sri Col. V. Ramulu, Post Master General,
Visakhapatnam Region, Visakhapatnam, Dated: 22-12-2022

    while enclosing a copy of the letter together with its enclosures all the
Regional Joint Directors of School Education and the District Educational Officers in
the state are requested to take necessary action in the matter.

Government Memo

I would like to seek your personal intervention in popularizing a Saving Scheme meant primarily for the education and marriage expenses of the girl children, in the schools run by Education Department, Govt. of AP.

With an objective of providing social security for girls, Govt. of India has launched a scheme called SUKANYA SAMRIDDHI YOJANA. which carries highest rate of interest in small savings i.e., 7.6% per annum. Account can be opened for any girl child upto 10 years of age by her parents/guardians in any Post Office with a minimum deposit of Rs.250/- per year.

Also Read: Complete Details abut Sukanya Samrudhi Yojana

The account will be matured after 21 years of opening and premature closer/part withdrawal i permitted under certain special circumstances like higher education / marriage etc., Since the scheme is going to immensely benefit the girls, I request your kind self to instruct all the school authorities to guide girl students/their parents about the scheme. 

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 I would like to seek your personal intervention in popularizing a Saving Scheme meant primarily for the education and marriage expenses of the girl children, in the schools run by Education Department, Govt. of AP.

Salient features of the scheme are enclosed herewith for further information.


1. Who is eligible?

A girl child who has not attained the age of ten years. 

2. Who operates the account?

 Parent/guardian- till the account holder attains the age of eighteen years. the account holder herself- after attaining age of eighteen years

3. Where& how to open an account? 

At any Post office in the country.

By submitting duly filled-in account opening form 

Minimum initial deposit of Rs.250.

Date of birth certificate and Parent/Guardian ID and address proof documents are required

4. What is the deposit amount?

• Initial deposit min Rs.250

• Subsequent deposits in multiples financial year.

5. What is the duration of the account? 

• 21 years from the date of its opening.

6. How long the deposits can be made?

• Upto 15 years from the date of opening

No deposits required after 15 years 

• The account will continue to accrue the interest on the deposit after 15 years.

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7. What happens in case of death of the account holder?

The account shall be closed immediately 

• Closure proceeds will be paid to the guardian/parent

8. What happens in case of death of parent or guardian? 

The account can be continued by the account holder by appointing another guardian.

If there is undue hardship to continue the account, it can be prematurely closed.

9. When part withdrawal is allowed? 

After the girl turns 18 years

• Only to meet educational expenses on production of proof of admission.

• 50 per cent of the balance can be withdrawn

10. What are the tax benefits? 

• Deposits up to Rs.1.5 lakh is eligible for a deduction under Sec.80C of Income Tax Act.

• The interest earned and the amount received upon maturity is tax-free. 

11. What is the rate of interest?

• 7.6% per annum. • Interest rates revised by the Government on quarterly basis.

. The interest will be compounded yearly

12. How to withdraw the deposited amount for marriage expenses? 

By submitting application for closure along with a declaration duly signed on non-

judicial stamp paper attested by the notary. • Age proof shall be submitted

Download Govt. Memo 

Download CSE Memo on SSY

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Sukanya Samrudhi yojana complete Details