School Education Department, Govt. of Andhra Pradesh

Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for School Visits

The purpose of the SOP is to …

a) improve the quality of teaching
b) increase the quality of learning
c) enhance the quality of schooling
d) achieve the academic standards prescribed
e) extend the infrastructure facilities in the school
f) suggest measures for improvement
g) identify the components for capacity building of teachers

The Visiting Officers should focus on the following items while visiting the schools:

 Observe the ambience of the school with regard to greenery, hygiene, drainage system, garbage maintenance, etc. and suggest for proper maintenance of the school.[Col. No.4 of the Visit Proforma]

2) Record the details of the school including U-DISE code, address of the school, HM’s
name, phone number, staff and particulars, students’ attendance, etc..; Whether the
complaint box is existed and the toll free number is displayed prominently.
[Col. No.3-7 of the Visit Proforma]

9 Important Registers

 1. Is Admission Register maintained
up to date?

2. Are T.C.s/Record Sheets properly issued?

3. CCE record: Formative / Summativ marks entered.

4. Class-wise, teacher- wise time tables, institution plan prepared.

5. Students attendance register

6. C.L register maintained

7. Are Mid-day Meal stock and issue register, quality check of MDM registers maintained?

8. Cash Book, quittance maintained for government funds.

9. Staff order, Staff movement register, notices, Inward – outward register,
stock book register are maintained

3) Observe weather the relevant information is displayed on the walls, viz., Day-wise Mid-
day Meals Menu Chart, Toll free No. for complaints, school information, staff particulars, teachers’ time tables, enrolment details, institution plan, class-wise time tables, achievement of the school, like SSC results, games, sports, etc..
[Col. No.8-11 of the Visit Proforma]

4) Observe the maintenance of the school records and offer suggestions if any.
[Col. No.12 of the Visit Proforma]

5) Ensure the teachers’ preparation for teaching by observing their lesson plans, year plans,
TLM for the lessons taught, preparation of ICT material, completion of the syllabus, etc.
[Col. No.13 (1) to (3) of the Visit Proforma]

6) Whether the teachers attended the necessary and relevant trainings in their subject,
conducted by the department from time to time.
[Col. No.13 (4)-(5) of the Visit Proforma]

7) Whether the teachers are conducting the field visits, field trips, project works to ensure
better learning.
[Col. No.13 (6) of the Visit Proforma]

Flash...   ఏకంగా 10 లక్షలు ఇస్తున్న ప్రభుత్వం.. సామాన్యులకు ఊరటనిచ్చే స్కీమ్.. ఎలా అప్లై చేయాలంటే..?

8) Ensure the proper implementation of CCE by evaluating the students’ performance as
per CCE; whether the formative and summative tests are conducted and valued answer
scripts within 3 days; ensue whether the marks are entered in the respective Marks
Register and uploaded them on-line.
[Col. No.14 of the Visit Proforma]

9) Ensure the academic performance of the students by asking questions based on the
learning outcomes; whether the students are able to read the given text, write the specific answers, take dictation, etc. and decide the level of students.
[Col. No.15 of the Visit Proforma]

10) Whether the programme, “Learn a Word a Day”, is being implemented in the school.
Observe the impact of the programme on the students.
[Col. No.15 (5) of the Visit Proforma]

11) Observe physical education activities conducted in the school, viz., facilities and
equipment provided; whether all students are made part of the activities, different variety of physical activities conducted, achievements in the school, etc.: whether the playground is sufficient.
[Col. No.16 of the Visit Proforma]

12) Whether NCC, Scouts and Guides, Junior Red Cross activities are being conducted in
the school. Comment on it.
[Col. No.16 of the Visit Proforma]

13) Observe the activities taken up under Art and Cultural Education in the school.
[Col. No.16 of the Visit Proforma]

14) Observe the different Work Experience activities in the school; comment on the
relevancy and utility of the material prepared with hands-on experience.
[Col. No.16 of the Visit Proforma]

15) Whether National Green Corps (NGC) activities are being conducted in the High
schools. If so, mention the details.
[Col. No.16 (5) of the Visit Proforma]

16) Whether the English language clubs and Subject-wise Clubs are formed in the school.
Comment on the functioning of the Clubs.
[Col. No.16 (6)-(7) of the Visit Proforma]

17) Examine the participation and achievements of the students in the competitions, like
essay writing, elocution, quiz, science fairs, games & sports, cultural activities, etc. Observe the different Work Experience activities in the school; comment on the relevancy and utility of the material prepared with hands-on experience.
[Col. No.17 of the Visit Proforma]

18) Observe the maintenance of the Library, number books in the library, sufficiency of the
books; whether the children’s magazines are subscribed, whether the Library books are issued to students; whether book reviews are done under language improvement programme.
[Col. No.18 of the Visit Proforma]

Flash...   G.O.Rt.No.216, Re-opening of Schools– Standard Operating Procedure(SOP) to be followed in all schools

19) Observe the Science Laboratory and ascertain the utilisation of the laboratory for
teaching science, whether the material in the Laboratory is sufficient and suitable to
teach the lessons of the current textbooks; whether students are using the laboratory for
conducting experiments; whether students are maintaining the science records, etc.
[Col. No.19 of the Visit Proforma]

20) Are the toilets sufficient for all the students and the staff? Whether separate toilets are
provided for girl-students. Whether they are properly maintained?
[Col. No.20 (1) – (2) of the Visit Proforma]

21) Whether safe drinking water is provided in the school. Is the water tank/drum frequently cleaned and for how many days?
[Col. No.20 (3) of the Visit Proforma]

22) Observe the furniture available in the school for students and staff. Is it sufficient for
students and staff?
[Col. No.20 (4) of the Visit Proforma]

23) Observe the classroom practices in the school. Observe the live teaching in the classes.
Record the details with regard to planning of lesson, relevancy and use of TLM/digital
resources, method of teaching, participation of students, presentation techniques adopted, medium of teaching, subject proficiency of the teacher, interaction in the class, use of black/green board; whether the teaching leading to achievement of the targeted learning outcomes; whether the students are able to read and understand the lessons on their own; whether the students are able to write independently, etc. Offer guidance to 
the teachers on the issues observed by you. [Col. No.21 of the Visit Proforma]

24) Comment on the implementation of MDM (Jagananna Goru Mudda) in the school.
Whether the day-wise menu is displayed at proper place; whether the eggs, chikkis, fruits, etc. are supplied as per the list in the menu; whether all children are availing this facility.
[Col. No.22 (i) of the Visit Proforma]

25) Observe the implementation of JaganannaVidya Kanuka (JVK) in the school. Whether all the school textbooks, notebooks (Classes – 6 to 8), dictionary, etc., are supplied to all students; whether 3 pairs of uniforms, belt, one pair of shoes, one pair of socks and one school bag to each of the students are supplied.
[Col. No.22 (ii) of the Visit Proforma]

26) Observe the Mana Badi: Nadu-Nedu scheme in the school. Whether the school is
covered under the scheme; whether new classrooms are constructed, new furniture is procured for students and staff; whether green-boards are supplied; whether the language laboratory is established; whether electrification is done; whether computers/tablets and internet facility is provided; whether the compound wall is constructed; whether the toilets with running water facility is provided; whether painting is done to the school.
[Col. No.22 (iii) of the Visit Proforma]

27) Ensure whether the school grants, like School Maintenance Fund (SMF), Toilet
Maintenance Fund (TMF), Teacher Grant, etc. under Samagra Siksha (SS) is provided
in the school.
[Col. No.22 (iv) of the Visit Proforma]

28) Comment on the involvement of Grama Sachivalayam Staff in the school; whether the
Education Assistant is assisting the school for enrolment, attendance of students, identifying the Out of School Children (OSC) and in the MDM, JVK, Nadu-Nedu activities; whether the Engineering Assistant is supporting the school in the Nadu-Nedu activities, School building maintenance and toilets maintenance, etc.; whether the Mahila Police in the Gram Sachivalayam is supporting school in the ‘care and safety’ of the girl students.
[Col. No.23 of the Visit Proforma]

29) Whether the Medical Staff in Grama Sachivalayam, viz., Medical Officer, ANM, ASHA worker, etc. are visiting the school as per time schedule for monitoring the health of the students under School Health Programme.
[Col. No.23 (d) of the Visit Proforma]

30) Whether Anganwadi workers are supporting the school for new admissions in the school.
[Col. No.23 (e) of the Visit Proforma]

31) Whether School Management Committee (SMC) or School Parent Committee is involving in the activities of the school.
[Col. No.24 of the Visit Proforma]

32) Whether the Parent-Teacher Meetings (PTM) are conducted regularly in the school.
Comment on the implementation of the suggestions and resolutions made in the meetings..
[Col. No.25of the Visit Proforma]

33) Please rate the overall performance/impression of the school as per observations made.
[Col. No.26of the Visit Proforma]

34) Offer suggestions/remarks as per the observations made.
[Col. No.27of the Visit Proforma]