AP Employees Facial photographic Attendance of 100 % capturing – Instructions issued

Circular Memo. No. GAD01- PU OGAD 27 2022 -PU-B Dated:06-02-2023

Sub:- GAD – PU – Attendance by Photography (Facial Recognition Based Attendance System)- Implementation in Secretariat Departments, HoDs and District Offices w.e.f. 01-01-2023 – Mobile APP ‘APFRS’ Developed – Further instructions on 100o/o Enrollment of employees and marking attendance by using APFRS app – Reg.

 The attention of all spl.chief secretaries / Pri. secretaries /secretaries to Government. Heads of Departments and the District collectors in the state is invited to the references cited, wherein orders have been issued introducing the Attendance by photography (Facial Recognition Based Attendance system) to all the employees ol 6ecretiriat Departments, Heads of Departments and District Offices w.e.f. ’01-01-2023 and all remaining offices w.e.f. t6.1.2023. Further instructions have been issued to ensure that all the employees of their respective offices have downloaded the APFRS Mobile App, and enrolled themselves and start marking their attendance through the Mobile App only. Further instructions were issued from time to time to ensure 100o/o enrollment of the employees in Mobile App, and marking their attendance to App only’

2. In this regard it is observed that the process of enrollment of employees in AP-FRS APP is not upto the mark, as number employees are still to enroll. in the Mobile App due to which implementation of Attendance by Photography through AP-FRS App is not fully operational in their offices. Access to the Dash Board to Ap FRS web-sited (at apirs.apcfss.in) has already been provided to all the administrative Heads of the Office, Nodal Officers and DDOs to purse the process of enrollment and marking attendance by their employees. The Government has desired that the process of enrollment by the employees shall be _100o/o and attendance through Ap-FRS App shall be fully implemented in all Government offices across the State.

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3. All Spl.chief secretaries/Prl. secretaries/secretaries to Government, Heads of Departments, District Collectors in the State are therefore requested to take immediate necessary action for 100o/o enrollment by all the employees of their offices in AP-FRS APP duly conducting SPECIAL DRIvEs if necessary, and marking of attendance by them only through apf rs app. They shall ensure that Attendance by Photogrpic based ” lmplemented by 100 o/o in their offices. The admnistrative Head of the” officer. and Nodal officers are personally held responsible for implementation of Attendance by photography (Facial Recognition Based Attendance system) in their Offices. 

Download Instructions copy

Download Updated Facial Attendance App Updated on Feb 05