OSC Activities – Survey for Identification of Out of School Children

 Sub.: – A.P SAMAGRA SIKAHA – OSC Activities – Survey for Identification of Out of School Children in the State for the year 2023-24 – Instructions – Issued –Reg.,

All the District Education Officers & Ex-Officio Project Coordinators and Additional Project Coordinators of Comprehensive Education in the State are invited to the mentioned instructions and Joint Secretary (SS-II), MHRD, Dept., SE. & Literacy, Shastri Bhavan, New Delhi, informed the 1st reference cited that AWP & B 2023-24 Schedule for Andhra Pradesh State will be between 03.03.2023 to 14.03.2023.

In this regard, A.P Samagra Shiksha to conduct a survey for identification of out-of-school children from 10.02.23 to 12.02.23 for the year 2023-24 in collaboration with other stakeholder departments of the state.

Schedule for OoSC (Out of School Children) Survey – 2023-24

1. District level convergence with all stake holder
departments (Line Departments) 10.02.23

District level one day orientation programme for Dy.EOs,
Deputy Inspectors (Urdu), all Sectorals of Samagra and
MEO, School Complex Head Master, Mandal MIS
Coordinator or Data Entry operator from each Mandal

Mandal level Convergence and Orientation to MPDOs,
Tahsildar, School Complex HMs, Special Officers of
KGBVs, CRPs, IERTs, PTIs, Anganwadi workers and
arrangement of Tabs and Android mobiles and
downloading the “Mana Badiki Podam” Mobile App.

4 Habitations allotment to the enumerators. 11.02.23

5 Field verifcation of OoSC (Out of School Children). 10.02.23 to

Methods, roles and responsibilities

AP Comprehensive Punishment is adopting the following alternative ways to mainstream out-of-school children (OoSC).

1. OoSC Direct Enrollment identified children who drop out From 01 month to 03 months, they have to join 1. KGBVs 

2. Residential & Regular Schools, 

3. Bhavita (IERC)/Non-Bhavita (Non-IERC) Centres. Following are the ways to register OoSC. 

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(Version 1.11 Updated on February 10th 2023)

Orientation Programme:

District level:

A district level orientation program has to be convened by the District Educational Officers & Ex-Officio Project Coordinators and Additional Project Coordinators of Samagra Shiksha for the Deputy Educational Officers, MPDOs, Mandal Educational officers, All Sectoral & Asst. Sectoral Officers, CRPs & Mandal MIS Coordinators of Samagra and other stake holder departments or line departments.

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Mandal level:

Mandal level orientation program have to be convened by the Mandal Educational Officer for School Complex Head Masters, Head Masters, MCOs of Saakshara Bharath, Special Ofcer (KGBV), CRPs, IERTs, MIS Coordinator, Anganwadi workers (ICDS), Parental Committee Chairman, Community elders, Village Education Welfare Assistant, Self Help Groups, Mandal Samaakhya leaders and field functionaries of other line departments.

Method of Verification of OoSC data:

The MEOs shall entrust habitations/Gram panchayaths/ wards to the enumerators/ CRPs for Revivification of OoSC in Rural and Urban areas identified by the Village Education welfare Assistants. The Head Masters of concerned habitation schools shall conduct a meeting with Community elders and leaders, Parental committee chairman, Parental committee members, Teachers, Anganwadies (ICDS) and SHG, Mandal Samaakhya leaders and SHG(Self Help Groups) members on conformation of Out of School Children in their habitations and to discuss the issues related to Out of School Children in the habitation/ Gram Panchayat/ ward area and obtain the Final OSC data.


The CRPs (Cluster Resource Persons), IERPs (Inclusive Education Recourse Persons), PTIs (Part time instructors), Anganwadi workers (ICDS), SHG (Self Help Groups)-Leaders, CRTs (Cluster Recourse Teachers) & Special Officers of KGBVs, Village Volunteers, Ward Welfare Education Assistants and the services of the CRPs & DRPs (MEPMA) may be utilized in urban areas. 

Role of District Education Officers & Ex-Officio Project Coordinators:

1. Conducting district level convergence meeting with all lines with Divisional and Comprehensive Penal District level officers

2. Instructions should be given to all Deputy Educational Officers and Mandal Education Department officials should organize a target meeting Survey for accurate detection of OSC.

3. Visit 1 or 2 mandals per day during the program.

4. Randomly cross check during survey and ensure quality survey.

5. Hold review meetings twice a week with MEOs, Dy.E.Os and sectoral officers.

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6. Divisional Level Coordinator i.e. Deputy Educational Appointment Ofcer, Deputy Inspector of Schools (Urdu).

7. Instructions should be given to all School Complex Heads Masters, Head Masters and teachers should cooperate Enumerators and guide them properly.

Additional Project Coordinator Role:

Appointment of Divisional Level Monitoring Officers with Sectoral Officers.

1. Conducting mandal level orientation to school complex H.Ms/MEOs, MPDOs, Tehsildar as per schedule.

2. Visit 1 or 2 mandals per day

3. Randomly cross check during survey and ensure quality survey.

4. Communicating SPO instructions to all from time to time Executives.

5. Preparation and submission of district level report on a daily basis State Project Director through mail i.e. oscsamagra21@gmail.com and spdapssapeshi@gmail.com

6. Monitoring the day-to-day progress.

Role of Deputy Educational Officers:

1. Conducting Mandal Level Orientation to School Complex Head Masters, MEOs, Enumerators and other stakeholders..

2. Visit 3 to 4 mandals per day.

3. Randomly cross check during survey and ensure quality survey.

4. To coordinate with all Zonal Education Officers in the Division.

5. To monitor the progress of the survey in their jurisdiction.

6. Submission of integration report to additional project Coordinator.

Role of Mandal Education Officers:

1. Conducting Mandal Level Orientation to School Complex Head Masters, Head Masters and other stakeholders or other line Departments.

2. Identification of enumerators as per schedule.

3. Preparation of day wise and village wise action plan.

4. Allotment of habitations/wards to enumerators.

5. Conducting orientation program for enumerators.

6. Visit 4 to 5 villages/habitats/wards per day.

7. Randomly cross check during survey and ensure quality survey.

8. Collection of data from enumerators.

9. Submission of consolidated report to concerned Deputy Education Officer.

10.Monitoring progress on daily basis.

Role of Deputy Inspector (Urdu):

1. The Assistant Academic Monitoring Officer shall have full responsibility Adequate measures for uploading data of madrasa children In proper coordination with the ALS Coordinator.

2. Conducting meetings with Madrasa Nazims and Madrasa Volunteers

3. Visit 5 to 6 madrasas per day in their jurisdiction.


4. Inducing Nazims to upload data of madrasa children Mana Badiki Podom app to provide financial aid.

5. Randomly cross check during survey and ensure quality survey.

6. Guidance to MEOs and Enumerators from time to time.

7. Conducting twice weekly reviews with Urdu teachers Madrasah volunteers on uploading and identification of Progress of Muslim Minorities in Survey.

8. Cross verification of data at field level.

Role of Sectoral Officers:

1. Visit 2 to 3 mandals per day in their assigned division.

2. Randomly cross check during survey and ensure quality survey.

3. Guidance to MEOs and Enumerators from time to time.

4. Data collection in their assigned departments.

5. Conducting bi-weekly reviews with MEOs on progress Survey.

6. Cross verification of data at field level.

Assistant Academic Monitoring Officer (Urdu):

1. Deputy Inspectors of Urdu, to co-ordinate with Nazims of Madrasas, Madrasa volunteers

2. Conducting meetings with Madrasa Nazims and Madrasa Volunteers

3. Randomly cross check during survey and ensure quality survey.

4. Visit 5 to 6 madrasas per day in their jurisdiction.

5. Guidance to MEOs and Enumerators from time to time.

6. Conduct twice weekly reviews with Urdu teachers and then Madrasah Volunteers on the Progress of Muslim Minorities Survey.

7. Cross verification of data at field level.

Role of School Complex Head Master:

1. Orientation to Head Masters and Enumerators.

2. Cluster level verification monitoring.

3. Visit 2 or 3 villages per day.

4. Randomly cross check during survey and ensure quality survey.

5. Cross verification of data.

6. Submission of day-to-day progress to MEO.

Role of Village Volunteers & Ward Welfare Education Assistants:

1. Collect all out-of-school children including data never recorded area assigned to them.

2. To motivate the parents towards education of their children 

3. To communicate the dropout and migrant children information to the
School Head master and the MEO concerned time to time.


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