A Common Entrance Test designated as Education Common Entrance Test-2023 (APEdCET-2023) is conducted on behalf of the Andhra Pradesh State Council by the Convener, APEDCET-2023, Department of Education, Andhra University, Vijayanagar Palace, Visakhapatnam-530017. Higher Education (APSCHE) for admission to B.Ed. Regular course and B.Ed. Special Education in University/ Government/ Aided and/Private Educational Colleges in Andhra Pradesh for the academic year 2023-2024

Impartment Dates


Date & Time

Date of issue of APEdCET-2023 Notification

22-03-2023 (Wednesday)

Date of Commencement of submission of online application

24-03-2023 (Friday)

Last date for submission of Applications with out late fee

23-04-2023 (Sunday)

Last date for submission of Application with a late fee of
Rs. 1000/-

02-05-2023 (Tuesday)

Correction of online data already submitted by candidates

03.05.2023 (Wednesday)
to 06.05.2023 (Saturday)

Last date for submission of Application with a late fee of
Rs. 2000/-

10-05-2023 (Wednesday)

Correction of online application data already submitted by
the candidate with late fee of Rs.2000/-

11-05-2023 (Thursday)

Download of Hall Tickets (onwards)

12-05-2023 (Friday)

Date & Time of APEdCET-2023

20-05-2023 (Saturday)

9-00 am to 11-00 AM

Uploading Preliminary Key

24-05-2023 (Wednesday)
10-00 AM

Last date and Time of objections in Preliminary Key

5-00 PM

Eligibility to appear for APEDCET-2023:

Candidates who satisfy the following requirements are eligible to appear for APEDCET-2023. (i) Candidates should be Indian Nationals.


(ii) Candidates should fulfill the local/non-local status requirements as per Andhra Pradesh Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admission) Order 1974 as further amended.

(iii) Educational Qualifications:

(a) Candidates should have passed/appeared in final year examinations of B.A./B.Sc./B.Sc. At the time of submission of application for APEDCET-2023 (Home Science)/B.Com./ B.C.A./B.B.M./BE/B.Tech. Candidates will have to submit the marks memo and pass certificate at the time of admission.

(b) Candidates should have secured minimum 50% marks or equivalent CGPA in Bachelors Degree i.e. B.A./B.Sc./B.Sc. (Home Science)/B.Com./B.C.A./B.B.M and or Post-Graduate Degree in relevant subject or Methodology with 5 years integrated course in relevant subject or any other equivalent qualification. But candidates belonging to all other reserved categories S.C, S.T, B.C.(A/B/C/D/E), and Physically Handicapped should have secured at least 40% marks or equivalent CGPA in the qualifying examination.

Note: Candidates who have passed B.E/B.Tech. (with minimum 55% marks or equivalent CGPA), Mathematics, Physics Mathematics are eligible for admission to the course


Ranking: Candidates will be ranked in each methodology in order of merit based on the marks obtained in the APEDCET -2023 examination. In case of tie in total marks, Part-C marks

will be taken into account to determine the respective ranking. In case of further tie, the marks obtained in Part-A will be taken into account to determine the respective ranking.


If the candidates get equal marks in each part of the examination, they are bracketed to assign the rank. At the time of admission to the course, age will be taken into consideration for the respective ranking among the bracketed candidates and preference will be given to older candidates.

Detailed Notification

Fee payment link

Online Application

Official Website