SBI Recruitment : 868 బ్యాంక్ ఆఫీసర్ల పోస్టుల భర్తీకి నోటిఫికేషన్ విడుదల

 SBI Recruitment for 868 posts in its official website

State Bank of India invites online application from Indian citizen for engagement of retired officers of SBI, erstwhile Associates Banks of SBI
(e-ABs) and other PSBs for the following post on contractual basis. Candidates are requested to apply online through the link given on
Bank’s website. or

Eligible candidates should apply from SBHI Careers website before March 31. SBI has decided to fill about 868 posts through this latest notification.

State Bank of India (SBI) invites applications from eligible candidates for filling up the posts of Retired Bank Officers in SBI, EAB and other PSBs on contractual basis. Eligible candidates should apply from SBHI Careers website before March 31. SBI has decided to fill about 868 posts through this latest notification. Candidates can check eligibility criteria, age limit, educational qualification and other details available in below notification.

Click here for eligibility and vacancy details.

Steps to apply..

Visit SBI Careers website.

On the homepage, click on Retired Bank Officer Engagement for SBI, EABs, Other PSBs on Contract Basis.

Click on Apply Online link.

Fill the form, upload the documents and submit.

Take a print out for future reference.

Flash...   పది పాస్ అయితే చాలు.. రైల్ కోచ్ ఫ్యాక్టరీలో 550 ఉద్యోగాలు.. వివరాలు ఇవే..

Selection process

Applicants will be shortlisted based on shortlisting and interview round.

Download Notification here


Official Website