Training to teachers on BYJUS’s content Instructions

 Rc.No. ESE02-22/15/2023-SCERT

Dated #ApprovdDate#

Sub: School Education -SCERT- Training to teachers of 8th class on BYJU’s content utilization which is available in the tabs at DIETS – Certain Istructions – Issued – Reg.

Ref: 1). SAMSUNG Tabs Distribution to the students and teachers of 8th Class in the Andhra Pradesh.

2).Meeting Munities of the Commissioner, INFRA of School Education on 27-02-2023.


In continuation to the orders issued in the reference 1st cited, theFollowing guidelines are issued in utilisation of the BYJU’s content for the 8th class students in the state.

1. All teachers under all managements except private un-aided should be trained on the utilisation of BYJU’s content from 01-03-2023 onwards at erstwhile DIETS

2. All Subject teachers of 8th class having Tabs can utilise their subject content through tabs and update the utilisation status report through Internet connection on every Friday without fail. 3. Teacher should be participated as per the schedule given by the Principal DIET which is start from 01-03-2023 without fail.

Therefore, All the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and District Educational Officers in the state are hereby directed to instruct all the field functionaries to ensure that all Subject teachers (8th class handling) of all Govt. management schools should be used the tabs and attend hands on training at DIET on proper utilisation of Tabs in effective manner regularly.

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Further it is informed that the Principal, DIET act as overall course coordinator for respective erstwhile districts and the Additional Project Coordinator Samagra Shiksha act as course coordinators for their respective district (New District).

Further it is instructed to the Principals of DIETS, be ready with BYJUS app in your IFPS which were supplied earlier under the CSR Scheme. Training should be start from 01-03-2023. In each batch there are 30 teachers for each classroom. For example if, a DIET is having Two class rooms with IFPS, for Morning session 60 teachers (@30per each class room) and afternoon session 60 teachers total of 120 teachers per day. In this way the training will be continued till the completion of all teachers who dealing with class 8th in the respective erstwhile districts. BYJY’S app and content support will be provided by the IT Cell District and State.

Further it is informed that Dr. Ch VS Ramesh Kumar, IT, Cell CSE, Mobile No. 7993345678 as technical coordinator and Dr. G Kesava Reddy, Prof. C&T, SCERT, Mobile No. 9440016835 as academic coordinator will coordinate the programme from state level.

The necessary budget may be utilize from the available funds of Samagra Shikha for TA/DA, and Honorarium to the RPS and District State Coordinators as per Samagra Shiksha norms.

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