MANA BADI NADU NEDU – PHASE – II Electric Components instructions

 Circular .No.2041551-1 /MBNN/2023 Dated.07/04/2023

Sub: Mana Badi Nadu Nedu, Phase-II- Certain instructions to be followed in implementing the program – Strict compliance requested– Regarding.

Ref: 1., Dt.22.06.2022 of the School Education (Program-II), Government of Andhra Pradesh.

2. Review meeting held on 04.04.2023 hosted by the Commissioner, School Infrastructure with all the District Educational Ofcers, Addl. Project Coordinators and Head Masters

The Government has received administrative approval in reference 1 read above, under Phase-II of the Mana Badi Nadu Today programme, with a total budget outlay of Rs.8000 crore to improve infrastructure in 22,344 schools and other educational institutions.

In this background it has been noted that there is considerable delay in the supply of some electrical items especially in the supply of electrical conduit pipes and wires.

Hence if the indented electrical conduit pipes and electric wires are not received by the Head Masters within 15 days after giving the readiness report in STMS portal, parent committees are allowed to procure locally not exceeding SoR 22-23 rates. The quality parameters to be followed are included in the annexure to their circular.

District Education Officers, Additional Project Co-Ordinators and Executive Engineers of concerned implementing agencies are therefore directed to follow the instructions strictly.

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