Filling up of MEO-I with Govt. Gr-II HMs Schedule

Filling up of MEO-I with Govt. Gr-II HMs Schedule

Rc.No. ESE02-11022/18/2023-EST 1-CSE Dated: 28/06/2023
Sub: School Education Department — Filling up the vacant posts of Mandal Educational Officers with the Headmaster Grader-II of Government Management – Instructions issued – Regarding.
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G.O.Ms.No:154 School Education (Ser.) Dept.,Dated:16.9. 2022

Subject to the outcome of all Writ Petition(AT)s, Writ Petitions, Contempt cases, and SLP, if any, that are pending before the Hon’ble Courts, all Regional Joint Directors of School Education in the State are directed to fill the vacant posts of Mandal Educational Officers I in their respective zones with Headmasters Grader-II of Government Management (by transfer based on seniority and willingness).

In addition, the State’s Regional Joint Directors of School Education Officers are urged to carry out the exercise in a transparent manner and strictly adhere to the enacted guidelines, rules, and schedule (annexed).

The rules are outlined in detail below.

i. As with the HM grader-II of Government Management, the MEO-I position will be filled by using the zone as the unit of appointment.

ii. Set up the status rundown of Gr-II HM/MEO of Government The executives in particular zone @1:2 proportion according to the Rules.

iii. The eligible MEO/Gr -II HM of Government Management will be contacted for counseling in accordance with their seniority and the aforementioned instructions to exercise their option for posting as MEO – I. Following the counseling, all Regional Joint Directors of School Education in the state will be required to submit a detailed report to this office in accordance with the attached schedule.