FA1 CBA1 Exam Schedule for AP 2023

FA1 CBA1 Exam Schedule for AP 2023

Procs.Rc.No. ESE02/316/2023-SCERT Dated: 02/07/2023

Sub:School Education – SCERT AP – Academic calendar 2023-24 – Conduct of FA1/ CBA1 orders issued – Reg.


1. Academic Calander 2023-24
2. Note orders in fle ESE02/316/2023-SCERT

The state’s Regional Joint Directors of School Education and District Educational Ofcers are aware that the academic calendar has been published and that the first formative assessment 1/CBA1 will be held on August 1, 2023. In this association, the accompanying test configuration structure has been fnalized by the State Appraisal Cell (SAC).

Test  Design for FA1/CBA1:

• The textbooks adopted by the Andhra Pradesh State Council of Educational Research and Training (AP SCERT) will serve as the basis for the design of the test items.

• The evaluation apparatuses will be intended to survey grade-explicit abilities.

• Both Free-Response Questions (FRs) and Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs) will be included in the assessment tool.

• Each multi-choice question (MCQ) for grades 3 through 8 will only have one correct answer. There will be only one correct response to each of the three MCQs for Grades 1 and 2.

• The number of MCQs for the formative assessment has been set at 10. Students will have sufficient time to respond to the questions as a result, allowing for the testing of fundamental ideas. Additionally, it takes into consideration the limited number of chapters that each formative assessment tests.

Flash...   AP FA3 Syllabus 2023 for All Classes

The CBA 1 question pape

Additionally, it informs the RJDSEs and DEOs of the decision to administer the TOEFL exam to students in government schools in grades 3 through 9 to assess their English language proficiency. Consequently, the English inquiry paper for classes 3 to 9 has been planned with Section A (educational program based) and PART B (TOEFL-based). Part B is only for students attending government schools.

CBA 1 Schedule for classes 1-5

CBA 1 Schedule for Secondary Classes (6 to 8)

Formative Assessment 1 Schedule for Secondary Classes (9 to 10)
