SCERT e Content preparation Teachers list

training for e content preparation for Class III evs and maths

Training to teachers on E content preparaiton videos

The attention of the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and District Educational Officers of the state are invited to the reference cited the SCERT has decided to develop e-content for class III EVS & MATHS, In this regard it is proposed to conduct 3 day workshop cum training programme with identified teachers (Annexure enclosed) from 17-07-2023 to 19-07-2023 at SCERT Conference hall.

In this regard the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and District Educational Officers in the state are instructed to relieve identified teachers (Annexure Enclosed) with an instruction to report before the Director SCERT on 17-07-2023 at 9.30 am without fail.

Further the District Educational Officer Kadapa is requested to relieve, Sri Muzbur Rahaman, SA PS, ZPHS, XI Batallion, Kadapa. (e- Content Expert) who is involved in the e-content development to act as SRP for the above training programme.

Further it is requested to attend all the e-Content cell members of SCERT, and e- Content expert from IT Cell O/o the CSE and SAMAGRA (DIKSHA).

The TA/DA will be paid as per norms.

For further queries please contact Dr.T Padmavathi, Head, e-Content Cell, SCERT-AP Cell No. 9848390577,

This has got the approval of Commissioner of School Education, Andhra Pradesh

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