FLN (ECCE)- 60day Certificate course – Spell -1 DRPs list and Training schedule

FLN (ECCE)- 60day Certificate course – Spell -1  DRPs list and Training schedule

Rc. No: ESE02/882/2023-SCERT Date: 26/08/2023

Sub : School Education-SCERT-Supporting Andhra’s Learning Transformation (SALT) Programme- Foundational Literacy and Numeracy (ECCE)-60 day certifcate course – Conduction of DRP trainings in two spells for 6 days in residential mode – from 28-08-2023 to 02-09-2023 (spell I) and from 04-09-2023 to 09-09-2023 (Spell-II) -Orders-Issued-Regarding.


  • 1. NEP-2020 , NIPUN Bharat guidelines and NCF FS-2022
  • 2.MoU signed with ASER (Pratham) by Government of Andhra Pradesh, dated 17-08-2022.
  • 3.ProcsRc.No:ESE02-22/35/2023-SCERTdated12-08-2023 of Commissioner of School Education , AP, Amaravati.

All the Regional Directors of school education in the state, District Educational Ofcers in the state, Additional Project Coordinators in the state DIET Principals in the state, Academic Monitoring ofcers and DCEB secretaries in the state are informed that as envisaged in National Education Policy-2020, Foundational Literacy and Numeracy (FLN) has been taken as an urgent mission by Department of School Education to achieve it by 2026-27 .

Department of School Education as a part of Supporting Andhra’s Learning Transformation (SALT) project is developing 60-day certifcate course for Grade 1&2 teachers in collaboration with ASER (Pratham) , the technical partner with respect to Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) to strengthen foundational learning.

In this regard, Grade 1 and 2 teachers will be given training for 60 days (@20 days per year) across three years in blended mode. As a part of these courses state level Key Resource Persons (KRPs) training have been conducted and in the next layer District Resource Persons (DRPs) training will be conducted in two spells at the identifed venues for 6 days in residential mode

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  • Spell –I : From 28-08-2023 to 02-09-2023
  • Spell-II : From 04-09-2023 to 09-09-2023

Roles and Responsibilities :

1. The District Educational Officer where the venues are located will  be the Chairman of the training programme and has to look after the smooth conduction of the DRP trainings in coordination with DIET principals and AMOs.

2. DIET is the nodal agency for academic training programmes on FLN and therefore, DIET principal where the venue is located will be the nodal officer and will act as course director and should see the training process with the support of concerned DIET faculty who attended KRP trainings

3. AMOs where the venues are located has to look after the logistics , arrangements and other essentials required at the venues timely