SIEMAT – schedule of Activities under Implementation of “Meri Mati Mera Desh” campaign

SIEMAT – schedule of Activities under Implementation of “Meri Mati Mera Desh” campaign

Rc.No. SS-15021/14/2021-SAMO-SSA, Dt: 22/09/2023

Sub: – Samagra Shiksha – A.P – SIEMAT – Implementation of Meri Mati Mera Desh campaign – Activities conducted as per the schedule – Instructions – Issued – Reg

Ref:-D.O.No.02-02/2023-IS.14-Part(4), dt.13.9.2023 of the Secretary, Government of India, Ministry of Education, Department of School Education and Literacy, New Delhi.

All the District Educational Ofcers and Additional Project Coordinators in the state are informed that , Meri Maati Mera Desh (MMMD) is the fnale programme of Azadi Ki Amrit Mahotsav Commemoration. It envisages paying tributes to all those veers and viranganas who have made the supreme sacrifce for the country.

In the frst phase of MMMD diferent events held across rural and urban India. These included following:

1. Construction of memorial plaques with names of local bravehearts (2 lakh + constructed already).

2. Felicitation of brave hearts and their families

3. Planting of saplings (2 crore+) and creation of 2 lakh + local Amrit Vatikas

4. Taking of Panch Pran pledges (about 4 crore uploads on MMMD website)

5. Singing of Rashtragaan and hoisting of National Flag at events held In the second phase of MMMD mitti is being collected from each household of India as a symbolic contribution and expression of people’s participation towards the creation of an Amrit Vatika in Delhi. Where mitti is not available people can contribute a grain of rice. The Amrit Vatika along with an AKAM Memorial will be a lasting legacy and permanent reminder of the entire commemoration of Azadi Ki Amrit Mahotsav and the spirit of valour and sacrifce of our veers who made our freedom and progress a reality. The overall timelines for this phase of the programme are as follows:


In this connection, it is requested to kindly note the following action points and timelines for implementation of Amrit Kalash Yatras:

A. 1 st – 30th September 2023: At school level, on any particular day during 1st to 30th September, following activities are to be undertaken: i. Prabhat Pheries to be organized by all schools (Government /Aided/Private/KVs/NVs in their villages , defned by the catchment area.

a. Prabhat pheries to be conducted with National Flag pictures of local veers, charts and printouts of Panch Pran Pledge, pictures of local shilaphalakam that may have been put up in your locality etc. National Flags may be purchased from local post ofce.

b. During Prabhat Pheries, the participants to play Dhol, Nagadas & other musical instruments as per local traditions to create a festive atmosphere.

c. Patriotic songs to be sung and Mitti Anthem created by the ministry of Culture to be played during Prabhat Pheries. Listen and download the Mitti Anthem from this link:https://www/ v=IltUvt032QQ

d. Students will also disseminate information on rationale of Amrit Mahotsav, National and local heroes, contribution and sacrifce for SSA attainment of independence during prabhat pheries

e. The Prabhat Preries may fnally return back to school and/ or converge at a nodal school wherein parents and community influencers and members will also be invited to participate and discuss about the importance of Meri Mati Mera Desh, Azadi Ka Amrit Utsav, Panch Pran , Bravehearts (veers) etc., and felicitate the “Veers”.

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ii. Competitions such as Essay Writing, Art & Rangoli Making, Patriotic Song Singing, Skits, Story Telling etc., specially focusing on patriotic themes and local veers to be conducted.

iii. Messages from School Principals on messaging groups on this campaign, theme, activities being undertaken by the schools etc.,

iv. School Principals to invite local and regional media to cover student initiatives being undertaken under this campaign.

v. Special features in school Magazines on Meri Maati Mera Desh to be written by students.

vi. Host a talk cum presentation by the local District Collector/District Magistrate/Panchayat Memberss and/ or other Government Ofcials directly involved with the campaign in your region. Encourage students to hold a question answer session post the talk.

vii. Participants in local Amrit Kalash Yatras being held by synergizing eforts with local representatives and joining existing yatras being held in your locality.

viii. Panch Pran Pledge: During school assembly, students, community members and all the participants will take a solemn pledge covering Panch Pran of the Hon’ble Prime Minister, afrming their commitment to the country

 a. The pledge given below to be translated into local languages and administered We Pledge to: 

  • Make India developed and self-reliant by 2047 .
  • Remove any trace of colonial mindset .
  • Celebrate our heritage .Strengthen unity and respect those who protect the country 
  • Perform the duties of a citizen
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1.అభివృద్ధి చెందిన భారతదేశంలో నా పాత్రను నేను సక్రమంగా నిర్వహిస్తానని ప్రతిజ్ఞచేస్తున్నాను.

2.నాలో ఉన్నవలసవాద మనస్తత్వాన్ని తొలగిస్తానని ప్రతిజ్ఞచేస్తున్నాను.

3. సుసంపన్నమైన భారతీయ సాంస్కృతిక వారసత్వాన్ని పరిరక్షించడంలో అభివృద్ధిచేయడంలో ఎంతోగర్వపడతానని ప్రతిజ్ఞ చేస్తున్నాను.

4.నా దేశం యొక్క ఐక్యత కోసం సంఘీభావం ప్రకటించుటకు నిరంతరం కృషి చేస్తానని ప్రతిజ్ఞ చేస్తున్నాను

.5.నా దేశం పట్ల నాకున్న విధులను బాధ్యతలను నెరవేరుస్తానని ప్రతిజ్ఞ చేయుచున్నాను.

6.మన దేశం కోసం ధైర్యంగా ప్రాణాలు వొదిన త్యాగధనులను గౌరవిస్తానని మరియు దేశసంరక్షణ పురోగతికి స్వయంగా అంకితం అవుతానని ప్రతిజ్ఞ చేస్తున్నాను.