Cir. Memo. NO.16797421MBNN/2022 Dated: 28103/2022
Sub: School Training dept – Mana Badi Nadu Nedu – Roof for the materials and Work Charges for Stage – II – Gave – In regards to.
1. G.o. Ms No. 87 of the School Training (Prog-Il) Division dated 30-11-2019.
2. G.o. Ms No 22 of the school training (Prog II) Division dated 06-05-2020.
3. G.o. MS No. 27 of the School Training (Prog-II) Division dated30.03.2021.
In the first phase of Mana Badi Nadu Nedu , it is discovered that the workers and sellers have demanded to address higher rates than nearby market cost, refering to reasons that it is Government work. In some places, vendors and workers have united to exert pressure and demanded astronomical wages. Locally contract framework it is normal that the Parent Panel individuals, HM, Neighborhood Designer will arrange and expect less rates contrasted with market rates as it is a public work which is helpful to understudies of the Town/Ward.
In this unique situation, consideration of all the Region Instructive Officials, Extra Undertaking Organizers and Chief Designers of all the carrying out organizations of Mana Badi Nadu Nedu Phase II, program in this State is welcome to the references refered to above and they are mentioned to follow the Recommended ordinary Market paces of Material and Work Charges for Stage II works which are to be executed by the Guardians Board of trustees through Local area Agreement system, so as to not give any degree for abuse of assets by Paying higher rates.
In the event of inside pockets, uneven landscapes, the most extreme passable market rates might be taken on. The parent councils will investigate market rates and haggle even underneath ordinary rates. Anyway admissible most extreme rates can’t be surpassed. Consequently, it is mentioned to embrace the proposed ordinary market paces of material and Work charges as displayed in the Annexure-I (for Material Rates) and Annexure-II (for Work Rates) encased.
In the event that the Market Paces of Material and Work Charges of a given Mandal are past Proposed Greatest Market rates given in Annexure I and II,then they will be endorsed by Region level delicate council headed by the Joint Gatherer comprised according to GO MS No 27 date 30.03.2021.
The Joint collectors (Improvement) will guarantee the legitimate evaluation of winning business sector rates by comprising a subcommittee which will enquire on the lookout and asses prior to supporting rates in the board of trustees