టీచర్లకు పరిధి మించి సెలవులు ఇవ్వొద్దు .. విద్యా శాఖ ఉత్తర్వులు

టీచర్లకు పరిధి మించి సెలవులు ఇవ్వొద్దు .. విద్యా శాఖ ఉత్తర్వులు

Memo  NO.ESE02-13022/18/2023-E-VIl    Dated :20/10/2023.

Sub: School Education – Delegation of powers and functions to the Headmasters working in the Schools of Government, ZPP, MPP and Municipal Management, Mandal Educational Officers, Deputy Inspector of Schools, Deputy Educational Officers, District Educational Officers and the Commissioner of School Education – Certain lapses noticed – Instructions reiterated – Regarding

Ref: 1. G.O.Ms.No.180, School Education (Ser.l) Department, Dated: 18.11.2022. 2. This office Memo.No.ESE02-12021/143/2022-EST 2-CSE-Part(1), Dated: 21.11.2022. 3. This office Proceedings Rc.No.13/26/2022-EST(3) 7-CSE, Dated: 23.11.2022.

All Regional Joint Directors and District  Educational Officers in the state are aware that the Government has issued orders for the delegation of powers and functions to the Commissioner of School Education, District Educational Officers, Deputy Educational Officers, Deputy Inspector of Schools, Mandal Educational Officers, and Headmasters working in the Schools of Government, ZPP, MPP and Municipal Management. Accordingly, this office has issued detailed instructions to all field-level functionaries, emphasizing strict adherence to the instructions issued by the Government regarding sanction of leaves, increments etc., for teachers working in Government/ZPP/MPP/Municipal Management Schools.

On examination of the proposals for leave regularization from the District Educational Officers across the state, it has been observed that, certain Regional Joint Directors of School Education/District Educational Officers are granting permission for their respective Headmasters Gr.lI/Teachers to proceed on leave exceeding one (1) year, even though they are not the competent authorities as per the above said G.O. Subsequently, they are submitting the proposals to the Commissioner of School Education for sanction and regularization of leaves without proper entries (joining/relieving, training period etc.,) in the Service Register of the individual and again requesting to revise the leave/gap period, which is highly objectionable and needs to be changed.


Therefore, the under mentioned officers are hereby instructed to diligently adhere to the rules issued by the Government, sanction leaves accordingly, and submit the leave/gap regularization proposals in a proper shape with all connected documents and relevant entries in the individuals Service Register. Further, they are also instructed to reiterate the instructions to the field level functionaries for proper action in the matter.

Any deviation in this regard will be viewed seriously, and disciplinary will action be initiated against the responsible officers as per APCS (CCA) Rules, 1991 for violating APCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964 in the matter.