Lear a Word a Day November 2023 Words list : లెర్న్ ఏ వర్డ్ ఏ డే నవంబర్ 2023 పదాలు విడుదల

Lear a Word a Day November 2023 Words list : లెర్న్ ఏ వర్డ్ ఏ డే నవంబర్ 2023 పదాలు విడుదల

November 2023, Activity Schedule:

• Every day, one word will be announced in the assembly.

• In the first period, the class teacher will write the word and its meaning on the corner of the blackboard.

• In English period, the teacher will explain the word, its pronunciation, spelling, parts of speech, and the meaning of the ~ord in both langua~es, other forms of the word if any and Its usage. Students Will underline the word in the dictionary using a pencil.

• Students are asked to copy the word in a separate 100 pages notebook to maintain it as their “My Own Dictionary” which is frequently checked by the teacher. Level – 1 Oral drilling of the English word along with its Telugu meaning and vice versa. Students have to circle the word in the dictionary with pencil. Level – 2, Level – 3 , Level 4- The teacher will explain the word, its pronunciation, spelling, parts of speech, and the meaning of the word in both languages, other forms of the word if any and its usage. Students will underline the word in the dictionary using a pencil.

• Every teacher should use that word as many times as possible in their conversation with the students or as a part of any other classroom transaction.

Flash...   వివాదాలకు కారణమయ్యే ఉపాధ్యాయులపై చర్యలు .. మంత్రి సురేష్

• The same word will be repeated in all remaining periods of the day .

• Everyday the given word maybe displayed at the corner of the green board in the classroom /Display a board in the verandah / Display at school assembly.

• All teachers are held responsible for practicingthe word in the first five minutes in their period. Students are asked to repeat the word and its meaning. Usage of the word shall be practiced preferably by English teacher.

• Monitoring officers will check the student’s dictionaries and notebooks.

Learn a Word a Day – November 2023 Words Llist
Sl.NO DATE Class 1 &2 Class 3,4 &5 Class 6,7 &8 Class 9 & 10
1 1.11.2023 Axe Bouquet Depress Interactive
2 2.11.2023 Add Distribute Widespread Feeble
3 4.1l.2023 Basket Adjacent Settle down Solitary
4 6.1l.2023 Banyan Symmetry Unfold Afford
5 7.11.2023 Bat Amenity welfare Preserve
6 8.11.2023 Boat Measure rominent Concentrate
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7 9.1l.2023 Bottle Welfare Opportunity Carryout
8 10.11.2023 Bowl Pattern Abolish According   to
9 13.1l.2023 Bread Sanitation Artificial Execute
10 14.11.2023 Broom Gesture Grow into Manufacture
11 28.11.2023 Buffalo Purchase Excess Inevitable
12 29.11.2023 Bug Digital Embarrass Modest
13 30.11.2023 Spell Bee Spell Bee Spell  Bee Spell  Bee