Register your Transfers Grievance (Objections Online) here

The seniority lists of transfers are being released from today. If there is any objection  in your seniority then you should register your objections online in the link given below. Register  your grievance regarding difference in entitlement points from the following link. And also check your grievance status in the following link.

⧫ Click on the link given below
⧫ Enter Treasury Id 
⧫ Employee Transfers Password 
⧫ Enter the Verification Code as displayed in the image
⧫ click on Get Details
⧫ Now register your objection and upload supporting document

Register your Grievance here

Check your Grievance Status here

provisional Seniority lists

Flash...   Certain guidelines for receive the applications for deputation to SCERT/IASE/CTE/DIETs