Collection of data on Student absenteeism after Re-opening of schools

 Proc. Rc.Spl/A2/ TE/SCERT/2020 Dated: 12/11/2020

Sub: School Education – SCERT, AP, Amaravati – Collection of data on Student
absenteeism after Re-opening of schools – Orders issued – Regarding.

Read: Instructions of the Principal Secretary, School education, Govt.of Andhra

Attention of all the District Educational Officers in the state are invited to
the reference read above, wherein it is informed that the schools are opened on
02-11-2020 but observed less attendance of students in schools. Therefore, it is
decided to conduct a survey for 9th and 10th class students with Primary and
Upper Primary Teachers to ascertain the reasons for less attendance of students
from students and parents. Accordingly a Google form has been enabled at to capture the predefined reasons
mentioned therein

Therefore all the District Educational Officers in the state are requested
to ensure the task by deploying the primary / upper primary teachers
for captruting of the data on or before 17.11.2020 without fail. All the District
Educational Officers are request to instruct the Mandal Educational Officers
concerned to monitor the task closely and effectively.

All the Regional Joint Directors of School Education in the State are
requested to pay special attention to this task and treat it is MOST PRIORITY. 

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This has got the approval of the Director of School Education, AP,

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