NATIONAL (ICT) AWARDS TO TEACHERS FOR 2018-19 for innovations in Education

 Memo. Rc. SPL/C&T/B/SCERT/2020 Dt: #Approved Date# 

Sub: School Education –National ICT Award for Teachers -2018 and 2019 for
‘’Using ICT for innovations in Education’’-Inviting applications from
teachers-Orders issued –Reg 

Ref: F.No.13-24/2020-21/DICT&TD/CIET Dated 15.09.2020 


All the District Educational Officers in the State are hereby informed that in the
above reference cited, Central Institute of Educational Technology (CIET),NCERT
is inviting applications for National ICT Award for Teachers – 2018 and 2019 for
“Using ICT for innovations in Education’’. 

2. School teachers of Primary,Upper Primary,Secondary Schools working in
any recognized school in the Indian Union under the following categories are
eligible to apply above said award. 

3. The following are the Guidelines for States to apply for ICT awards:

• Every teacher who wants to apply has to register on the portal fill in all the details. 

• The online application form includes questions that seek evidence
of the teacher’s awareness and use of ICT in his/ her own professional
development, in improving his/ her teaching- learning, and in enhancing
overall quality of education in schools and community. 

• The teacher may upload documents in the form of PDF files or links
of videos and upload the same on the portal showcasing sustained
systematic work using ICT over the years related to creation, duration,
sharing, and dissemination/use of digital contents for students, teaching
– learning and assessment. It should include relevant supporting
documents, tools, reports of activities, field visits, photographs, audios or

• E-contents mentioned in the online application (links for
Audios/Videos, Charts, Maps, Models lesson plans in PDF format and
images) may be uploaded/ shared online. e-Contents developed by
teachers needs to be uploaded on DIKSHA, NROER, etc. 

4. All the district Educational Officers are requested to give vide publicity on
this awards and make the teachers to send more number of entries from all
districts.Last date for submission of detailed entries by teachers from State is


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