National Awards 2020 – Self Nomination for National Awards to Teachers through website

Rc.No.31/MC/2020 Dated: 02/07/2020 
Sub:- School Education Department – National Awards 2020 – Self
Nomination for National Awards to Teachers through website –
Intimation – certain instructions issued -Regarding. 
Message for National Awards entries received from the Principal
Secretary to Government School Education Department, A.P.,
Amaravati on 23.06.2020. 
The attention of the District Educational Officers and the Regional
Joint Directors of School Education in the state is invited to the reference
read above the Principal Secretary to Government School Education
Department, A.P., Amaravati have informed that the Government of India,
MHRD, School Education Department, New Delhi has issued the following
timelines for self-nomination for National Awards to Teachers for the year
2019 is live on, to participate. The timelines
as hereunder: 
• Opening of web-portal for inviting online self nominations by teachers –
15th June to 6th July 2020. 

• Short listing of Teachers by District/Regional Selection Committee and
forwarding the shortlist to the State /Organization Selection Committee
through online portal – 12th July to 21st July 2020 

• State Selection Committee /Organization Selection Committee shortlist to
be forwarded to independent National Jury through online portal – 22nd
July to 31st July 2020 

• Intimation to all the shortlisted candidates for selection by Jury through VC
or physical interaction as may be decided – 3
rd August 2020. 

• Selection process by Jury through VC or Physical interaction as may be
decided – 6
th August to 14th August 2020. 

• Finalization of names by Independent National Jury – 14th August 2020. 
Accordingly, all the District Educational Officers and the Regional Joint Directors of School Education in the state are instructed to
communicate large scale publicity through newspaper advertisements,
social media (Twitter, , etc.) and by sending emails directly to the
teachers for registration for National Awards to Teachers for the year
2019 is live on, to participate immediately. 
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