Memo No. SS-15023/4/2022-SAMO-SSA, dt. 27/07/2022

Sub APSS-Google Read Along- A 4 week reading marathon starting on 15th
August and ending on 8th September 2022 in Govt. Schools -Instructions –

Ref 1.Email from the Abhinav Unni, Program and Partnerships Manager, Read
Along Dt.19-7-2022

All the District Educational Officers & Ex – Office Project
Coordinators, Addl.Project Coordinators of Samagra Shiksha and Principal of
D.I.E.Ts in the State are informed that as part of the implementation of the
Reading Campaign it is decided to implement a 4 week reading marathon
starting on 15th August and ending on 8th September 2022 in Govt.of Schools
of A.P.


2) As part of the implementation of the programme, D.E.Os and A.P.Cs in the
state are requested to follow certain guidelines for the conduct of Reading
Marathon in all schools.

Vision and Objectives of the Reading campaign:

• A reading campaign aimed at making reading a joyful activity and a daily
habit in Telugu and

• English commemorating the 75th year of independence and international
literacy day.

Duration: 4 weeks

• Launch Date: 15th August – Independence Day

• Ends on: 8th September – International Literacy Day Detailed Guidelines
is annexed.

3) The D.E.O.s ,A.P.Cs and M.E.Os are requested to share the specifc
partner codes of the respective mandal with the teacher/parents (already
issued vide Memo No. SS-15023/4/2022-SAMO,Dt.16-5-2022) and also give wide
publicity about a 4 week reading marathon starting on 15th August and ending
on 8th September 2022 using through Google Read Along App.



Proposed Goals

 All students participating in the reading campaign

 3 crore stories ( approx 20 stories per student)

The campaign will consist of two components at home and in school.

• In school: Teachers will allocate one hour daily towards reading the
selected stories on Read Along in the classroom

• At Home: Everyday from 7pm -8pm students should be encouraged to read
stories on Read Along at home.

• Teachers may employ diferent strategies for reading on Read Along
depending on the digital resources available to them.

Campaign Monitoring and Reporting

• The reading campaign will be monitored through partner codes at a mandal

• Every day the data with updated metrics for all mandals will be shared by
the Google Team

Metrics to be tracked

• Number of device installs per mandal based on partner codes

• Total number of stories read per mandal

• Total time spent per device per mandal on Read Along

• Total correct words read per mandal

Important Communication to be sent to stakeholders

• DEOs and APCs shall issue guidelines about the Reading Marathon on Read
Along- its goals and targets to be shared with mandals with Roles and
responsibilities of resource person’s mandal level officers.

Flash...   Furnish the list of Sanskrit posts upgraded in their respective Districts as per GO 91, Dt:17.12.2018

• Introductory video about the Reading campaign and Read Along to be shared
with all stakeholders

• Digital pamphlets and other collateral to be created to and shared via
WhatsApp to generate a buzz about the marathon.

• Creation of a reading list of stories shortlisted for the marathon.

• List of stories and their links ( English and Telugu) to be shared based
on the daily schedule with all stakeholders via WhatsApp.


• A leader board ranking each mandal and district on the basis of stories
read to be created.

• The leader board will be updated daily and shared with the district
officials on the Whatsapp group.

• The top 5 mandals to be acknowledged and celebrated with encouragement
being provided to the laggards to catch up. Encourage healthy inter mandal
competition but also highlight the growing number of profiles reading
everyday and the number of stories being read collectively as a state which
will help keep everyone motivated towards the larger goal of reading the
most number of stories in 4 weeks.

• After the conclusion of the marathon, a prize distribution ceremony
felicitating the winning mandals and districts.