TMF: (SOP) for the staff of Village Secretariate/Ward Secretariate to visit the Schools

 Memo No. ESE02-27021/21/2022-MDM-CSE Dated:30/06/2022Sub School Education-JaganannaGorumudda and TMF-Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for the staff of Village Secretariate/Ward Secretariate in respect of school Education Department -RegardingRef 1.MemoNo:1673976/ESE01-SENDOCCSE(ISSC)/1/2022-GENERAL Dt:21.04.2022 2.U.O.Note No:special/planning/2022 Dated…

Mid-Day Meal Scheme–Revision of Friday Menu

 Memo.No.ESE02-27021/132/2019-MDM-CSE Dt:29/06/2022Sub:-School Education–Mid-Day Meal Scheme–Revision of Menu–Measures to be taken in implementation further Instructions issued–Regarding.Ref:- 1. Hon’ble Chief Minister review on03/02/2022.2.Government Orders in e-ofcecleio.ESE02-22021/132/20119-MDM-CSE Dt:23/02/, dt: 24.02.2022.4.iote orders of the…